Jun 27, 2023Releases & StatementsUFPR Statement on Introduction of the PREVAIL ActUnited for Patent Reform (UFPR) today issued the following statement in opposition of the recently introduced PREVAIL Act, a bill that...
Jun 27, 2023Releases & StatementsUFPR Statement on Introduction of the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2023United for Patent Reform (UFPR) today issued the following statement in opposition of the recently introduced Patent Eligibility...
Jun 20, 2023Briefs & CommentsUFPR Submits Comments to USPTO on Proposed RuleIn a letter to USPTO regarding newly proposed rulemaking, UFPR calls for the America Invents Act to be upheld as Congress intended. Our...
Feb 17, 2023Briefs & CommentsUFPR Submits Comments on Draft USPTO 2022-2026 Strategic Plan In a comment letter sent to the USPTO, UFPR offers recommendations on how the agency’s work in the next four years can ensure that all...
Feb 6, 2023Briefs & CommentsUFPR Submits Comments to the USPTO on Initiatives for the Robustness and Reliability of Patent RightUnited for Patent Reform submitted comments to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on the office’s initiatives to...
Feb 1, 2023Briefs & CommentsUFPR Submits Comments to the USPTO Regarding Patent Subject Matter Eligibility GuidanceUnited for Patent Reform submitted comments to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on the patent subject matter...
Aug 29, 2022Briefs & CommentsUFPR Response to the Administrative Conference of the United States Small Claims Patent Court StudyUnited for Patent Reform submitted the following response on Friday, August 26, to the Administrative Conference of the United States’ small
Aug 4, 2022Releases & StatementsUFPR Statement on Introduction of the Patent Examination and Quality Improvement Act of 2022United for Patent Reform (UFPR) today issued the following statement in support of the bipartisan legislation, the Patent Examination and...