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Sep 21, 2016
Why Small Businesses Want Congress to Pass Venue Reform This Year
My organization, Southeastern Employment Services, helps people with disabilities find employment opportunities in the state of...
Sep 18, 2016
Help Slow The Drag With Patent Venue Reform
As our country and North Carolina look to accelerate the growth of our economy and expand its reach to all citizens, one issue has been a...
Sep 12, 2016
Fixing Why USPTO Issues Low-Quality Patents Should Be Oversight Hearing's Focus
Today, the House Judiciary Committee is holding a Patent Office oversight hearing. It promises to include a headline-grabbing discussion...
Aug 31, 2016
A Plea to Pass Patent Reform This Year
For many businesses across the country, innovation is the key to success and growth. Unfortunately, many companies in my sector are...
Aug 3, 2016
Opposition to Venue Reform Misses Target
A group of 28 law professors just sent a letter to Congress opposing patent venue reform. As I’ll explain below, however, their points...
May 19, 2016
An Open Letter to Sen. Chuck Grassley: Don’t Give Up on Venue Reform
Dear Sen. Chuck Grassley, I work at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), an organization that fights for digital rights in the U.S....
May 16, 2016
Senator McConnell, Don't Ignore Kentucky's Small Businesses
Those who follow Congress are rarely optimistic about what changes the legislative branch can make in an election year. However, this...
Mar 24, 2016
Senate VENUE Act: Badly-Needed Venue Reform in Patent Litigation
CFIF strongly favors comprehensive patent litigation reform, in particular the Innovation Act that passed by a bipartisan 325-91 House...
Mar 20, 2016
Tell the Senate: Pass the VENUE Act
There’s a new bill in Congress that would finally address the egregious forum shopping that dominates patent litigation. The Venue Equity...
Mar 8, 2016
Patent Reform is Within Grasp
The numbers are in. And they aren’t good. Patent trolls filed 3,604 suits in 2015, making it the second busiest year on record for...
Feb 17, 2016
Whither the Patent System?
Does the patent system as it is currently constituted serve to advance useful progress as the U.S. Constitution insists it should? Or is...
Feb 9, 2016
Opponents of Patent Litigation Reform Never Offer Specifics
In the patent litigation reform debate, note something peculiar about opponents' arguments. Namely, they routinely include among their...
Dec 11, 2015
Patent Trolls Hurt Rhode Island Businesses
My local coffee shop has, sadly, decided to end its practice of hosting local musical talent. This is worrisome because our emerging...
Dec 9, 2015
What We Should Really Fear From Patent “Trolls”
A growing number of people have begun to appreciate the damage done to small business and innovators by so called “patent trolls.” Some...
Dec 9, 2015
Why Pega is Supporting Meaningful Patent Reform
The patent system is being abused. In the first half of 2015, 68 percent of patent lawsuits were filed by non-practicing entities, also...
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